Contact- mike.okane @ hispeak. co. nz (just remove the spaces)
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Thanks for visiting my pages, plenty here for the young at heart to enjoy.
A 53 second intertidal moment. click on image for stills
EXHIBITION NEWS see the review here
My illustrated 2023 CV is here
Selected works are at Moray Gallery, Dunedin
Ongoing ‘Collateral Damage’ exhibition at Fairmaid Chance and Crawford Dunedin; Viewing is available to everyone.
A submarine, a WWI aircraft, a Super-Constellation, a German BMW and rider, a French 1917 tank, an Italian WW1 soldier at a moonlit cemetery, etc.
One of the characters staring in my work entitled ‘Dardanelles Two-step’ is this 1:35 scale kitset figure, an example of the truly excellent miniature sculptures coming out of Ukraine.
Please pause for a moment in a disused railway tunnel near Owaka.

Comments and feedback– email details: top of page, and on Contacts page.
•Exhibitions; past and upcoming.
•Image galleries, click on Sculptures, Cars, Trains or Warlike
• James Dignan’s perspective on Mike’s work with toys.
•Mike’s sculpture meets science head on- a conversation with neuroscientist Brian Hyland;
•Fringe Festival Billboard project
•Audio project- Disentangling and resurrecting discarded bits of audio cassette tape life, where the sound track stumbles, then stops.

Here’s a detail from one of the public art works in Reconciliation Place Canberra. Fire and Water by Judy Watson.
Jan 2020 Flew into Canberra ACT. Heat and bushfires and smoke all around the state and neighbouring New South Wales. So much loss of wildlife and habitat. Then a hailstorm which tore through the leaves of wonderful Canberran trees, (and also damaged 37,000 cars).

An artist and the inventor of HiSpeak the communications device pictured at left.
Mike usually lives in New Zealand and graduated with a Fine Arts Degree and the Sculpture Prize in 1997.
His work over the last decade or so has evolved into photographically creating seemingly plausible truths; proposing new possibilities for the toys and models of childhood play. More recently it has involved constructing and painting plastic kitsets with a war theme; a guilty pleasure revisited.
– For full screen view, click on images.
Mike has a number of works in public and private collections in New Zealand and in private collections in Australia.